Welcome to Spout Burn Woodcraft!
From Fintry, Scotland comes exquisite handmade woodwork. Explore the craft of creating wooden bowls and decorations that reflect nature's beauty and ancient traditions. Let your home blend creativity and tradition in a charming way.
Spout Burn Woodcraft is named after the stream that runs along the side of the workshop. It starts at the top of the Campsie Fells and makes it’s way down to the River Endrick which flows through the Carron Valley before entering the magestic Loch Lomond. When a well deserved break is needed you will find me and my lovely Labrador dipping our feet in the stream.
I work out of a small but action packed workshop. It’s amazing what you can do with a bit of imagination and creativity.
Here you can see me hard at work on the lathe creating a truly unique one of a kind bowl.